Imagine yourself a scuba diver, cruising along a vibrant coral reef. The sunlight dances on the water, and the reef itself is an explosion of textures and colors. Fish as blue as sapphires dart amongst the coral fronds, while others shimmer in silver and gold. But hey, hold onto your dive masks – something truly spectacular is about to catch your eye!
A swirling school of what looks like living flames has just ignited the edge of the reef. Shocking pink and blazing orange fish weave through the water in a fiery tango. It's as if an underwater carnival has come to life! Welcome to the world of the Lyretail Anthias, where every day is a wild and colorful party.

Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
These flashy fish, formally known as Pseudanthias squamipinnis, belong to the Anthiinae crew - a subfamily of the huge grouper and sea bass clan (the Serranidae family). They're commonly known by a bunch of fun names like Sea Goldie, Orange Fairy Basslet, and Scalefin Anthias. And let's not forget that name-inspiring tail – it's where they get the "Lyretail" nickname.
Their scientific name, Pseudanthias squamipinnis, is a bit of a mouthful. But hey, don't let that fool you; it just means "false Anthias" (those biologists can be a bit picky sometimes) and "scaly fins." Pretty straightforward when you break it down, right?
These little extroverts love hanging out across the tropical Indo-Pacific region, from the East Coast of Africa all the way to way over to the far-flung islands of Polynesia. Think of them as the jet-setting socialites of the fish world! You'll find them swarming around coral reefs, usually chilling at depths between 30 to130 feet, though some adventurous individuals might venture a bit deeper.
Imagine the most tight-knit girl gang or the coolest group of guys at the club, and that's basically anthias life. These fish are all about their squad! You'll almost always find them in groups, sometimes massive schools of hundreds or even thousands! Talk about an entourage!
Within those groups, there's a pretty interesting power dynamic going on. Check this out: all Lyretail Anthias start out as ladies! They're born female, and they hang out together in big, fabulous gangs. Now, if something happens to that head honcho, things get real interesting. The biggest and most powerful female in the group pulls a switcheroo, changing her gender and becoming the new boss! Talk about girl power!
Let's talk fashion, because these fish are serious style icons. The ladies rock a gorgeous orange to yellow hue. It's like they're always wearing a fabulous party dress, ready to hit the dancefloor! But the guys? They take things up a notch. Imagine the most outrageous Hawaiian shirt with splashes of deep purple, bright pink, and red. Yeah, that's the male Lyretail Anthias look, and he's not afraid to rock those colors with confidence!
And then there's that tail! Both males and females have this show-stopping lyre-shaped tail (hence the name). It's a fancy accessory that adds a touch of elegance to their already dazzling look. It's like they walked right off a high-fashion runway, ready to show the reef who's boss.
Looks can be deceiving, and size ain't everything, especially when it comes to the Lyretail Anthias. They are tiny! Most max out at just under 3 inches! That's smaller than your average smartphone. But boy, do they pack a personality punch as big as the ocean itself!
These energetic little fish are always on the move, zipping here and there like streaks of dazzling light. They're not afraid to make their presence known, especially those fancy-pants males with their outrageous color schemes. Think of them as the tiny life of the party, the ones who keep things buzzing with their energy and enthusiasm.
When you're that small, you can't be going after the big fish! These guys mostly feed on zooplankton – those tiny, almost invisible critters that drift around in the water column. Think of it as an all-day buffet that they just casually cruise through, scooping up their microscopic meals.
They're not exactly picky eaters either. Anything small enough is fair game, and they'll happily munch on crustacean larvae, fish eggs, and anything else that tickles their tiny taste buds. It's all about keeping those energy levels high enough to keep up with their whirlwind social lives!

Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
Remember those massive, swirling schools of anthias in the wild? Those need space! We're not talking a little desktop aquarium here. To truly recreate an environment where these social butterflies can thrive, you're going to need at least a 70-gallon tank. And hey, if you can go even bigger, more power to you!
But here's the thing – it's not just about volume. These fish need rockwork and hiding places. They need to feel like they're tucked into their own little reef wonderland. Think nooks, crannies, and caves galore. Get creative! It's like interior design for your fishy friends.
Lyretail Anthias, bless their little diva hearts, are a bit picky about their water. They come from pristine ocean conditions, so your aquarium needs to match that. We're talking crystal-clear water, stable temperatures, and perfect water chemistry. You'll need a rock-solid filtration system and a rigorous maintenance schedule. Consider it the underwater equivalent of hiring a fancy cleaning crew!
Remember those plankton feasts we talked about? Well, you'll have to recreate that in your aquarium. Lyretail Anthias need multiple feedings throughout the day of teeny-tiny foods like frozen mysis shrimp and brine shrimp. Think of it like a constant, low-level snack buffet. They're always grazing and browsing, just like they would on the reef.
Now, they might eventually nibble on some high-quality flake or pellet foods, but those plankton-based meals are their bread and butter. Don't skimp here. If you can get them live foods? Even better – they'll go absolutely nuts! Think of it like bringing them a special delivery of gourmet hors d'oeuvres.
These fish with their flashy colors and zippy movements might seem feisty, but they're actually pretty peaceful. They like to do their own thing, so you don't want tankmates that are super aggressive or territorial.
The tricky thing is finding tankmates that won't see your tiny anthias as a delicious snack. Larger, predatory fish are a definite no-go. Stick with other peaceful community fish that won't bully your little anthias squad. Some good options might be small wrasses, gobies, or peaceful blennies. Think of it as curating the most chill, laid-back aquarium party ever.
Since they’re such social creatures, it’s best to keep Lyretail Anthias in groups. Now, here's the fun part: ideally, you want one male for a harem of ladies. That's the way they roll in the wild, remember? But figuring out who's male and who's female can be tricky. Often, they all look like females initially. If you want that stunning male display, you'll have to let nature play out that gender-swap surprise!
When adding your anthias, patience is key. They stress easily, so introduce them gradually and monitor them closely for any signs of squabbles. Ideally, add your anthias group all at once, so no one feels like they have a territorial advantage. Consider it like moving a friend group into a new apartment – better to do it all together, right?
Spend time really watching how your anthias behave. Are they eating well? Is their color vibrant? Are they active, or hanging back and looking shy? Early detection is vital if anything seems off. These tiny fish can be fragile, and they're experts at hiding any signs of illness until things are serious. Think of yourself as their personal health coach, keeping a watchful eye.
Even if you decide Lyretail Anthias aren't for your current tank, maybe they've sparked something in you. Maybe you're itching for a bigger aquarium, hungrier to learn about reef ecosystems, or inspired to take your water quality to a whole new level.

Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
After all, the drive to give any fish the best possible life – that's what makes a truly great aquarist. Lyretail Anthias, whether you keep them or not, might just be the push you need to elevate your aquarium game and become the kind of underwater caretaker that makes all your fish, from the smallest goby to the flashiest diva, truly thrive.
And honestly, isn't that what keeping fish is all about? The constant learning, the striving for improvement, and the deep admiration for the incredible creatures we get to share a bit of our world with? Lyretail Anthias may be demanding, but they make us better at what we do and remind us of the sheer wonder of the underwater world we're so lucky to get a peek into.