Finger Sponge
Livestock might vary slightly from above picture, but should be a good representation...
  • Finger Sponge Image 1
  • Finger Sponge

  • Ptilocaulis sp.

  • Out of Stock

    Last In Stock Prices:
    Small / Medium - $58
    Medium - $65
    Medium / Large - $78
  • Tank Size:
    Tempermant: Peaceful
    Lighting: Low
    Water Flow: High
    Placement: Bottom to Middle
    Maximum Size:
    Coloration: Red, Orange
    Diet: Omnivore
    Regions Found: Caribbean
    Reef Compatible:
    Experience Level: Expert
    Guarantee: DOA Guarantee Only
    Water Conditions: 74-82° F, SG 1.020-1.027, PH 7.9-8.5
    Other Names: Tree Sponge, Orange Finger Sponge, Red Finger Sponge
  • Description
  • The Finger Sponge is a stunning and very colorful sponge. Finger Sponges grow upward in a branching manner from a central trunk. Finger Sponges are mostly found in orange and red hues.

    Finger Sponges should be placed in the bottom to middle of the tank and need low lighting and high water flow. Finger Sponges also need to be kept in tanks with pristine water quality. After you have placed your Finger Sponge, watch for any signs of stress. If you see any signs of stress from your Finger Sponge, just move it slightly and watch for improvement.

    Finger Sponges are very hard to keep species and should only be attempted by the most expert of aquarists. Finger Sponges can never be exposed to air, and if they are they will more than likely perish. Finger Sponges are peaceful and will not bother other sponges or corals. Just make sure that you plan for the growth of the Finger Sponge and give it room to grow.

    Finger Sponges need to be fed foods that are specially designed for sponges. Finger Sponges should also not be kept with fish that eat sponges like some species of angelfish.

    If you have any questions about the Finger Sponge and if it's the right sponge for your tank, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    Tiny: Up to 6", Small: Over 6-7", Small / Medium: Over 7-8.5", Medium: Over 8.5-10", Medium / Large: Over 10-12", Large: Over 12-14", Extra Large: Over 14-18", Extra Extra Large: Over 18-22", Show Size: Over 22-26", Jumbo: Over 26"

    If you have any questions please contact Eric Cohen TankStop owner and well respected industry veteran.

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