Fathead Sunburst Anthias $138.00
Blotched Anthias $720.00
Blotched Anthias(Odontanthias borbonius)From $720.00
Carberryi Anthias(Nemanthias carberryi)From $62.00 (On Sale!)
Fathead Sunburst Anthias(Serranocirrhitus latus)From $138.00
Ignitus Anthias(Pseudanthias ignitus)From $29.00 (On Sale!)
Lyretail Anthias(Pseudanthias squamipinnis)From $55.00 (On Sale!)
Purple Queen Anthias(Pseudanthias tuka)From $46.00 (On Sale!)
Randalls Anthias(Pseudanthias randalli)From $65.00
Red Saddled Anthias(Pseudanthias flavoguttatus)From $100.00
Ruby Anthias(Paranthias colonus)From $75.00 (On Sale!)
Squareback Anthias(Pseudanthias pleurotaenia)From $72.00
Bali Lunate Anthias(Pseudanthias lunulatus)Out of Stock
Bartletts Anthias(Pseudanthias bartlettorum)Out of Stock
Bicolor Anthias(Pseudanthias bicolor)Out of Stock
Bimaculatus Anthias(Pseudanthias bimaculatus)Out of Stock
Blood Spot Anthias(Pseudanthias luzonensis)Out of Stock
Dispar Anthias(Pseudanthias dispar)Out of Stock
Evansi Anthias(Pseudanthias evansi)Out of Stock
Huchtii Anthias(Pseudanthias huchtii)Out of Stock
Japanese Sacura Anthias(Sacura margaritacea)Out of Stock
Loris Anthias(Pseudanthias lori)Out of Stock
Pictilis Anthias(Pseudanthias pictilis)Out of Stock
Pink Anthias(Pseudanthias hypselosoma)Out of Stock
Princess Anthias(Pseudanthias smithvanizi)Out of Stock
Red Belted Anthias(Pseudanthias rubrizonatus)Out of Stock
Squirei Anthias(Rabaulichthys squirei)Out of Stock
Ventralis Anthias(Pseudanthias ventralis)Out of Stock
Waitei Anthias(Luzonichthys waitei)Out of Stock