Sunshine Chromis
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  • Sunshine Chromis Image 1
  • Sunshine Chromis

  • Chromis insolata

  • Out of Stock

    Last In Stock Prices:
    No Size Set - $62
  • Tank Size: 20 Gallons
    Tempermant: Peaceful
    Maximum Size: 3"
    Coloration: Blue, Yellow
    Diet: Omnivore
    Regions Found: Western Atlantic, Caribbean
    Reef Compatible: Yes
    Experience Level: Beginner
    Guarantee: Live Guarantee Available
    Water Conditions: 74-82° F, SG 1.020-1.027, PH 7.9-8.5
    Other Names: Sunshine Chromis Damsel
  • Description
  • The Sunshine Chromis (Chromis insolata), also known as the Purple and Yellow Chromis or Olive Chromis, is a vibrant and eye-catching fish native to the tropical waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean, including the Caribbean Sea. This small, peaceful damselfish species is beloved by aquarists for its stunning coloration, featuring a yellow back that fades into a lavender body with a pearly white belly. Their vibrant colors and active schooling behavior make them a captivating addition to any saltwater aquarium.

    Sunshine Chromis are relatively hardy and adaptable, making them a great choice for both beginner and experienced aquarists. They thrive in well-maintained aquariums with plenty of live rock for hiding and ample swimming space for schooling. As omnivores, they require a varied diet consisting of meaty foods, herbivore flakes, and high-quality frozen preparations. Using vitamin-enriched foods will help to maintain their vibrant colors. These fish are generally peaceful towards other tank mates, but they may become territorial towards their own kind, especially in smaller aquariums. With proper care and attention, Sunshine Chromis can bring a touch of sunshine to any underwater world.

    Tiny: Up to .75", Small: Over .75-1", Small / Medium: Over 1-1.5", Medium: Over 1.5-2", Medium / Large: Over 2-2.5", Large: Over 2.5-3", Extra Large: Over 3-3.5", Extra Extra Large: Over 3.5"

    All fish purchases come with a package of Blue Life Safety Stop to help reduce infections and illnesses that could present themselves. Please read more about Safety Stop here…

    If you have any questions please contact Eric Cohen TankStop owner and well respected industry veteran.

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