NarrowLined Puffer $42.00
Immaculatus Puffer $125.00
Arothron Dog Face Puffer(Arothron nigropunctatus)From $62.00 (On Sale!)
Blue Spotted Puffer(Canthigaster solandri)From $68.00 (On Sale!)
Immaculatus Puffer(Arothron immaculatus)From $125.00
Mappa Pufferfish(Arothron Mappa)From $342.00
NarrowLined Puffer(Arothron manilensis)From $42.00 (On Sale!)
Porcupine Puffer(Diodon holocanthus)From $72.00 (On Sale!)
Saddle Valentini Puffer(Canthigaster valentini)From $70.00
Spiny Box Puffer(Chilomycterus schoepfi)From $65.00
Stars and Stripes Puffer(Arothron hispidus)From $158.00
Bennetts Sharpnose Puffer(Canthigaster bennetti)Out of Stock
Black Dogface Puffer(Arothron nigropunctatus)Out of Stock
Golden Puffer(Arothron meleagris)Out of Stock
Least Puffer(Sphoeroides parvus)Out of Stock
Leopard Toby Puffer(Canthigaster leoparda)Out of Stock
Saddle Puffer(Canthigaster coronata)Out of Stock
Sapo Puffer(Arothron meleagris)Out of Stock
Spotted Puffer(Canthigaster jactator)Out of Stock
Starry Puffer(Arothron stellatus)Out of Stock
Yellow Belly Dogface Puffer(Arothron nigropunctatus)Out of Stock