Two Spot Bristletooth Tang $92.00
Sohal Tang $212.00
Bariene Tang(Acanthurus bariene)From $158.00
Black Shoulder Tang(Acanthurus nigricauda)From $198.00
Blonde Naso Tang(Naso elegans)From $300.00
Blue Tang(Paracanthurus hepatus)From $65.00 (On Sale!)
Bristletooth Tomini Tang(Ctenochaetus tominiensis)From $65.00 (On Sale!)
Chocolate Tang(Acanthurus pyroferus)From $82.00 (On Sale!)
Clown Tang(Acanthurus lineatus)From $68.00
Convict Tang(Acanthurus triostegus)From $52.00 (On Sale!)
Desjardini Sailfin Tang(Zebrasoma desjardini)From $82.00
Gem Tang(Zebrasoma gemmatum)From $675.00 (On Sale!)
Gold Rim Tang(Acanthurus glaucopareius)From $108.00
Golden Blue Eye Tang(Ctenochaetus sp)From $62.00
Lieutenant Tang(Acanthurus tennenti)From $82.00
Maculiceps Tang(Acanthurus maculiceps)From $182.00
Mata Tang(Acanthurus mata)From $68.00
Mimic Eibli Tang(Acanthurus tristis)From $88.00
Naso Tang(Naso lituratus)From $82.00
Orangeshoulder Tang(Acanthurus olivaceous)From $225.00
Powder Blue Tang(Acanthurus leucosternon)From $88.00 (On Sale!)
Powder Brown Tang(Acanthurus japonicus)From $82.00
Purple Tang(Zebrasoma xanthurum)From $175.00 (On Sale!)
Ring Tail Tang(Acanthurus blochii)From $120.00
Sailfin Tang(Zebrasoma veliferum)From $70.00
Scopas Tang(Zebrasoma scopas)From $75.00
Sohal Tang(Acanthurus sohal)From $212.00 (On Sale!)
Spotted Unicorn Tang(Naso brevirostris)From $92.00
Two Spot Bristletooth Tang(Ctenochaetus binotatus)From $92.00
Vlamingii Tang(Naso vlamingii)From $55.00 (On Sale!)
White Tail Yellow Eye Tang(Ctenochaetus flavicauda)From $212.00 (On Sale!)
Achilles Tang(Acanthurus achilles)Out of Stock
Achilles Tang Hybrid(Acanthurus glaucopareius)Out of Stock
Atlantic Blue Tang(Acanthurus coeruleus)Out of Stock
Black Tang(Zebrasoma rostratum)Out of Stock
Black Tang Hybrid(Zebrasoma rostratum)Out of Stock
Bluetail Unicornfish(Naso caeruleacauda)Out of Stock
Chevron Tang(Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis)Out of Stock
Dussumier Tang(Acanthurus dussumieri)Out of Stock
Fowleri Tang(Acanthurus fowleri)Out of Stock
Kole Yellow Eye Tang(Ctenochaetus strigosus)Out of Stock
Lavender Tang(Acanthurus nigrofuscus)Out of Stock
Mimic Half Black Tang(Acanthurus chronixis)Out of Stock
Monroviae Tang(Acanthurus monroviae)Out of Stock
Mustard Guttatus Tang(Acanthurus guttatus)Out of Stock
Orange Stripe Bristletooth Tang(Ctenochaetus cf striatus)Out of Stock
Thompsons Surgeonfish(Acanthurus thompsoni)Out of Stock
Unicorn Tang(Naso brevirostris)Out of Stock
Whitecheek Tang(Acanthurus nigricans)Out of Stock
Yellow Belly Regal Blue Tang(Paracanthurus hepatus var)Out of Stock
Yellow Tang(Zebrasoma flavescens)Out of Stock
Zebra Tang(Acanthurus polyzona)Out of Stock