Bumble Bee Shrimp
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  • Bumble Bee Shrimp

  • Gnathophyllum americanum

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  • Tank Size: 10 Gallons
    Tempermant: Peaceful
    Maximum Size: 1"
    Coloration: Tan, Yellow, Black
    Diet: Carnivore
    Regions Found: Indo-Pacific Ocean
    Reef Compatible: Yes
    Experience Level: Advanced
    Guarantee: Live Guarantee Available
    Water Conditions: 74-82° F, SG 1.020-1.027, PH 7.9-8.5
    Other Names: Striped Harlequin Shrimp, Striped Bumblebee Shrimp
  • Description
  • The Bumble Bee Shrimp is a stunning and very colorful small shrimp. Bumble Bee Shrimp have a mostly tan body with strong yellowish hues. Bumble Bee Shrimp have strong black stripes across its back that make it resemble a bumble bee, hence its name.

    Bumble Bee Shrimp reach a maximum adult size of around 1 inch and need to be kept in tanks that are at least 10 gallons. Bumble Bee Shrimp are peaceful shrimp and shouldn't bother other fish, coral or inverts in your system. For this reason, Bumble Bee Shrimp are a great addition to reef tanks.

    Bumble Bee Shrimp are considered hard to keep based on their small size. Most fish will try to eat this small shrimp if given the chance. Bumble Bee Shrimp in the wild will also normally feed on the legs of starfish, so this needs to be taken into account if adding a Bumble Bee Shrimp to a reef tank with starfish.

    Bumble Bee Shrimp are carnivores and will get most of their food by scavenging through the tank. If you would like to supplement their diet you can add food to the tank like brine and mysis shrimp, also high quality meaty frozen foods.

    If you have any questions about the Bumble Bee Shrimp and if it's the right shrimp for your tank, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    Tiny: Up to .75", Small: Over .75-1", Small / Medium: Over 1-1.25", Medium: Over 1.25-1.5", Medium / Large: Over 1.5-1.75", Large: Over 1.75-2", Extra Large: Over 2-2.5", Extra Extra Large: Over 2.5"

    If you have any questions please contact Eric Cohen TankStop owner and well respected industry veteran.

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