Fire Urchin
Livestock might vary slightly from above picture, but should be a good representation...
  • Fire Urchin Image 1
  • Fire Urchin

  • Asthenosoma varium

  • Out of Stock

    Last In Stock Prices:
    Large - $68
    No Size Set - $82
    Extra Large - $140
  • Tank Size: 120 Gallons
    Tempermant: Semi-aggressive
    Maximum Size: 9"
    Coloration: Red, White
    Diet: Omnivore
    Regions Found: Indo-Pacific Ocean, Red Sea, Japan, Australia
    Reef Compatible: Yes (With Caution)
    Experience Level: Advanced
    Guarantee: Live Guarantee Available
    Water Conditions: 74-82° F, SG 1.020-1.027, PH 7.9-8.5
    Other Names: Rainbow Urchin, Red Sea Fire Urchin, Toxic Leather Sea Urchin
  • Description
  • The Fire Urchin is a stunning and unique urchin found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Fire Urchins have a mostly red round body that is completely covered with white venomous spines.

    Fire Urchins reach a maximum adult size of around 9 inches and need to be kept in tanks that are at least 120 gallons in size. Fire Urchins are semi-aggressive inverts and shouldn't bother many other fish or inverts in your tank. Fire Urchins have been known to eat some coral polyps, so only add a Fire Urchin to your reef tank under caution.

    Fire Urchins can inflict a really bad sting to humans. If you get stung by a Fire Urchin, you might need to seek medical attention if you are high allergic or the pain does not go away after putting your sting under hot water for some time. For these reasons, you really need to handle the Fire Urchin with extreme caution. Fire Urchins will thrive in tanks that have lots of live rock in them. Fire Urchins will spend most of the day hidden in the rock work and come out at night to feed on algae on the rocks and detritus. Fire Urchins are great additions to your clean up crew, even in tanks with large overly aggressive fish.

    Fire Urchins are omnivores and will get most of their nutrition from scavenging the tank. If you would like to supplement the diet of your Fire Urchin, you can simply add nori or marine algae sheets to the tank or feed high quality flake or pellet foods.

    If you have any questions about the Fire Urchin and if it's the right urchin for your tank, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    Tiny: Up to 1", Small: Over 1-1.5", Small / Medium: Over 1.5-2.25", Medium: Over 2.25-3", Medium / Large: Over 3-4", Large: Over 4-5", Extra Large: Over 5-6", Extra Extra Large: Over 6"

    If you have any questions please contact Eric Cohen TankStop owner and well respected industry veteran.

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